
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

New TeleClass Begins June 27th

I am excitedly preparing for the new session of my live TeleClass, Joyful Days with Toddlers and Preschoolers!  I held the first two sessions of this class in March, and it exceeded my expectations in almost every way.  The women who signed up for the course were a mixture of moms and home-daycare-providers (many were both!), and they told me over and over again how great it was to get a real and practical dose of inspiration and connection every week.  One woman said that just the act of calling in each week calmed her and made her feel more spacious in her parenting!  Here's what else people said:

"I can't tell you how much I appreciate this class.  It truly has done wonders for our family and for me as a mom... My husband has noticed a big difference with me and with the boys... I got more than I imagined I would have gotten [from this class]."
                                                                                            -C.L., mother of 2

So, what is the class like?  Each class is a conference call that lasts an hour and fifteen minutes.  A few days before each call, I will send out my thoughts on that week's theme, and a link to that week's video footage.  Each week has about 10-12 minutes of video footage of me interacting with the children (ages 1-5) in different ways.  When the class-time comes, we call in to the conference call, and we watch the video footage together, stopping frequently for discussion and questions.  Between classes, people can chat through an online discussion groups, and are given optional 'assignments.'  Here's what one student said: 

"...Love your teaching, the three layers of: watch the video, hear your comments on it and live question session, followed by written thoughts, and follow-ups to specific questions, it really creates a rich texture to the class...Every week has given me new ideas to try and made me more mindful of all the elements that go into this work."
                                                                                            -H.C., mother of 2  

I think that the video footage is part of what makes the class so unique and so useful.  It's one thing to hear someone talk about what they do; it's another thing altogether to see them do it.  And each week's video is so different!  The first week is very inspirational:  how to incorporate children in the tasks that make up Life, and why it feels so fulfilling to children when we do.  People saw the footage and said, "I can do that!"  The next week's video footage was totally different.  The theme is Teach Children to Interact Graciously, and every single clip begins with someone shrieking.  The week's themes are:

-Life As the Curriculum
-Teach Children to Interact Graciously
-Make Mealtimes Special
-Smooth and Easy Transitions
-Create Nurturing Spaces
-Be Your Best Self

If you spend your days with children ages 1-5, and you wish the time you spent with children could be more joyful than it is now, I warmly invite you to take this TeleClass.  Click on the tab above (marked June/July Teleclass) for dates, times, and prices.  Email me to hold your spot or with any questions, 

Miss Faith


  1. I attended the class in March and it was very much worth it! Thank you again Miss Faith!

  2. I would love to take part someday... if it was the video and then online discussion. I have almost zero time for a conference call (playschool 7-5, cook for extended family and visit with them until almost bedtime.. I love my crazy, but busy life LOL) But seriously if you ever market it with video/online discussion.. I am there LOL

  3. Hi Kerri,

    I have several people each class who sign up and announce that they will never make the conference calls. They listen to the recordings of the calls when they have time (after the kids are in bed?) and some take part in the online discussions, and some don't. This format is nice because you can be as involved or un-involved as you wish.

  4. I am so glad to hear that! I would love to take part soon. I'll keep my eyes opened for the next start-up date. Thanks!
